We have three accounts: DEV, UAT and Production. We have different environment variables in PROD than DEV/UAT.
Normally when we migrate from UAT to PROD, we first export the Environment variables from PROD in JSON format, then we import the UAT bot, and then we re-import the Environment variables into PROD that we just exported. This has ensured we get all of our environment variables reset back to the what they were in PROD after the UAT import.
The problem I’m facing is that now we are using content variables for hyperlinks to our knowledge repository, and when I try to import only the new content variables separately (not the ENV variables), they do not update. It seems like the only way to udate environment variables using an import file is to use JSON (not CSV). Can someone tell me the best way to update content variables without updating ENV variables, using the IMPORT feature within content/environment variables?