this date and time is displaying your current date and time conversation, So we cannot change it and modify it.
Hi @mathi.lavanya ,
You can accomplish this using the SDK.
I recommend removing this line to meet your specific needs.
Please give it a try, and inform us if it produces the desired outcome.
For detailed implementation, refer to this link:
</div> \
var msgTemplate = '<script id="chat_message_tmpl" type="text/x-jqury-tmpl"> \
{{if msgData.message}} \
{{each(key, msgItem) msgData.message}} \
{{if msgItem.cInfo && msgItem.type === "text"}} \
<li data-time="${msgData.createdOnTimemillis}" id="${msgData.messageId || msgItem.clientMessageId}"\
class="{{if msgData.type === "bot_response"}}fromOtherUsers{{else}}fromCurrentUser{{/if}}\ {{if msgData.icon}}with-icon{{/if}} {{if msgData.fromAgent}}from-agent{{/if}}"> \
{{if msgData.createdOn}}<div aria-hidden="true" aria-live="off" class="extra-info">${helpers.formatDate(msgData.createdOn)}</div>{{/if}} \
{{if msgData.icon}}<div aria-hidden="true" aria-live="off" class="profile-photo"> <div class="user-account avtar" style="background-image:url(${msgData.icon})" title="User Avatar"></div> </div> {{/if}} \
<div class="messageBubble" aria-live="assertive">\
<div> \
{{if msgData.type === "bot_response"}} \
{{if msgItem.component && msgItem.component.type =="error"}} \
<span style="color:${msgItem.component.payload.color}">{{html helpers.convertMDtoHTML(msgItem.component.payload.text, "bot",msgItem)}} </span>\
{{else}} \
{{if msgItem.component && msgItem.component.type == "message" && msgItem.component.payload.fileUrl}} \
<div class="msgCmpt botResponseAttachments" fileid="${msgItem.component.payload.fileUrl}"> \
<div class="uploadedFileIcon"> \
Thank you,
Srujan Madderla Community Team