How can i create a dialog task for switching conversion languages at the beginning of the chat conversion , I have tried to list the languges in message node ,but this is not working for first time sending payload , but second time payload it will asking

Hi @shyamalasampath484 ,

Welcome to Community

  • Set up a Trigger Node that activates at the beginning of the conversation.
  • Configure the trigger conditions based on the event that indicates the start of the conversation. This could be the Start Dialog event or a specific user message that marks the beginning.
  • Add a Message Node after the Trigger Node.
  • In the Message Node, create a message that asks the user to select their preferred language. You can use buttons or quick replies for language options.
  • Set up additional nodes in your flow to handle the language selection based on the postback received. You can use Conditional Nodes or Custom Components to check the postback value and switch the conversation language accordingly.
  • After handling the language selection, continue with the main flow of your conversation.

By using a Trigger Node at the beginning and providing language selection options in a Message Node, you can guide the user to choose their preferred language before proceeding with the main conversation.

Make sure to handle the language selection appropriately in subsequent nodes based on the postback values.

Hope this helps.

Thank you,
Srujan Madderla Community Team

Hi Srujan ,
Thanks for your info , could you please provide if any reference links or docs to learn and implement triggers ,it will be helpful to me


Hi Srujan
I want to create same flow but in xo platform can you please tell me how to do that?

Hello Manali,

The above steps shared are for XO Platform only.

Thank you,
Srujan Madderla Community Team