Get The failure reason for a service/script node from the Kore APIs

Hi team,

We are working on something for which we have to get analytics regarding service and script node failures.

While we are able to fetch the count and the statusCode and whether it was a success or a failure, we are not able to get the exact response that we get from the API for the failure of the service or script node.

Is there any way to get those through the APIs ?

FYI - We are using the APIs to fetch the service and script node details.

Hello Kinjalk,

Thank you for reaching out to Community.

The details of failure reason for a service/ script node from API’s will be available at task execution logs.
Please refer to the below documentation for more information on Task Execution logs.

If you are specially looking for API’s get analytics API would be helpful for you to get most of the analytics details.

Hope this helps.

Thank you,
Srujan Madderla Community Team