Formatting Graphs/Charts in bot response


For one of our use case, we want to display information as a graphs. I have used bar graph template , it is giving results but not as desired. I don’t see any option to format the graphs. For e.g. changing bar colors, values in x-axis are over lapping, values in y-axis are not fully displayed, and further modification.


Bar graphs documentation mentions only few parameters to format the graphs. Can you list down all the parameters available to address some of the above issues? Can we use other charting libraries available in JavaScript?


Hi @sushmita.nandi,

The parameters present in the documentation are the ones which are currently supported by Platform.

Sharing sample code snippet for bar chart template with customized values which may help you in solving the above stated issues.

var elements = [{
“title”: “Peter”,
“values”: [0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2],
“displayValues”: [“10ml”, “5ml”, “15ml”, “20ml”]
“title”: “Sam”,
“values”: [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8],
“displayValues”: [“30 mins”, “15 mns”, “12 mins”, “1 hour”]

var X_axis = [“15-Jan-2017”, “20-Jan-2017”, “25-Jan-2017”, “30-Jan-2017”];

var message = {
“type”: “template”,
“payload”: {
“text”: “Peter Sam Report”,
“template_type”: “barchart”,
“direction”: “vertical”,
“auto_adjust_X_axis”: “no”,
“stacked”: false,
“X_axis”: [],
“Auto_adjust_X_axis”: “yes”,
“elements”: [],
“speech_hint”: “Here is your report”

var ele = [];

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var element = {
“title”: elements[i].title,
“values”: elements[i].values,
“displayValues”: elements[i].displayValues

message.payload.elements = ele;
message.payload.X_axis = X_axis;

Please use web-sdk for custom templates and BotKit if you want to use third party libraries or if you want to use any third party libraries(CanvasJs, ApexCharts, Plotly) to plot any UI, you have to export the chat data and use any software you would like to use.