Error service node "Data received from endpoint is not a valid json"

Hi, I am having trouble with a service call.
In the process I have a script node where I generate a json with the following format which I save in a context variable called crearCitaJSon:

“crearCitaJSon”: {
“Accion”: “CrearCitaCalendario”,
“CalendarId”: “hhhh”,
“ServiceId”: “dddd”,
“CustomEmail”: “”,
“CustomerName”: “User name”,
“StartDateTime”: “2023-01-19T12:00:00.0000000+01:00”,
“EndDateTime”: “2023-01-19T12:15:00.0000000+01:00”,
“CQ”: [
“id”: “2370e702-c93f-43da-a029-5c41b187129d”,
“answer”: “kdjskfdjsk”,
“question”: “¿What book do you want to book?”

The service expects that json (which I have tried and works), but when calling from Kore ai, it returns the following error: “Data received from endpoint is not a valid json”

I have tried making the service call the following ways and none of them works:





When I copy and paste the json (saved in context.crearCitaJSon) and test the call, it works properly:


but when executing the task, it returns error

Any idea why it is not working? Any help would be appreciated.

Hello @lorenacursos ,

We would like to confirm if the status- 500 is observed when using {{context.crearCitaJSon}} while using the actual json as body gives a successful - 200.

Could you share the full curl for our testing.