Error saving date ("Invalid date format ) from a Digital From to Data Table


New to Kore, so apologies.

  • I’ve setup a Digital Form which is collecting a date.
  • I am mapping the field to a data column of type date.

In the debug, when saving the record, I get this error:

{ "payload": { "errors": [ { "msg": "Invalid date format 15/11/2023. Expected YYYY-MM-DD", "code": 400 } ] }, "1700107134736": [ { "nodeId": "SaveNewBooking", "startTime": "2023-11-16T03:59:09.862Z" } ] }

As I’m only using out of the box features, any idea why this would be happening?

Hi @medge,

Thank you for reaching out to Community.
Could you please share the relevant screenshot and steps to replicate the issue ?

Those details would help us in identifying the issue.

Thank you,
Srujan Madderla Community Team

The bot flow

Data Table:

Save Data Method:

Sure Srujan, thanks for getting back to me

To replicate -

  • Setup a digital form with a ‘date’ field
  • Setup a data table with a ‘date’ field
  • Setup a digital task which uses the digital form
  • Setup a bot action with a Service to save data - mapping the request

Form Design:

I’ll put the other screenshots in subsequent posts as I’m only a ‘new’ user - its limited

Error saving from Debug:
{ “payload”: { “errors”: [ { “msg”: “Invalid date format 15/11/2023. Expected YYYY-MM-DD”, “code”: 400 } ] }, “1700107134736”: [ { “nodeId”: “SaveNewBooking”, “startTime”: “2023-11-16T03:59:09.862Z” } ] }

It’s like it is grabbing the rendered format from the form, rather than the raw date format required for saving.

Let me know if you need more information than that?

I’m not sure what the issue is - clearly I had corrected something, even though there was nothing special about the form. I built a new digital form (which unfortunately means the old one is gone) - reconnected everything and it’s done and working.


Even I am facing this error and it clearly notifies that Data table has default format of date as “YYYY-MM-DD”. I have tried to explore a way to change it but no luck!
To make it work temporarily have just changed the date format in my forms.


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