Entity extraction in entity node

i have an intent(unable to change password) and a entity node which asks for provide username.
The user can say like ‘my username is abdsd’. how do i extract abdsd from the text? and also how do i add training utterances for the entity node


It depends on what would you like to extract. Platforms supports various kinds of extractions like person name, number, date, city, date-period, quantity, list of values, phone number, email etc…

Choose that entity and it will etract from the input. In addition, kore.ai also support custom type where you define regular expression of your specific case.


Hey karthik, thanks for your reply, i dont want to use regex which is a custom thing, but i want here is train the entity node with some user utterances. is there a way to do in kore ai platfor?

As such we can train the utterances for Intents (=> Dialogs/Action its tasks) but not the entities inside the dialog. However, what I understand from your question is:

Basically, you would like to train an utterance for a dialog and post identifying that dialog few entities should get pre-filled with values in the utterance. This can be acheived by traing NER(Named entity recognition) .


If you want to only extract ‘abdsd’ from my username is abdsd, then you simply choose entity type as ‘person name’ inside ‘unable to change password’ dialog