Entities direct to different answers

If the utterance has 2 different Entities, each demanding a different answer or flow on the task. Is it possible to do this?

Hi @felipe,

You can add the conditional statement(if and else) to set up conditional connections to any node.
Under the “connections” settings of a node, you will have an option to add “if” condition.

Note: The first default Intent node will not have an option to add multiple connections.

Yoga Ramya.

Thank you for the reply.
The above suggestion does allow me to show 2 different answers/nodes in sequence for the user?
something like:

  • Sorry, this product we do not have now.
  • The product X we have in stock and costs $.

Is it possible or do I have to choose the positive answer to show?

Hi @felipe,

You can customize it as per your choice.

Yoga Ramya.

Ok. Is it possible to answer like this?
- Sorry, we do not sell the product {{x}} right now, but we do have lots of {{product y}} in stock!

maybe in two distincts and sequencial nodes?

Hi @felipe,

You can have two message nodes in sequence to display this as per your choice.

Let us know if you need any further clarification on the above.

Yoga Ramya.