(Karthik Nagulapally)
September 18, 2018, 7:41am
Hi Team,
Do we have feature to upload the documents to or providing Web URLs to search for the response according to the user utterance.
Following are the platforms providing the above service,
DialogFlow Knowledge beta
IBM Watson Discovery Services
AI Q&A System using TensorFlow and NLP
Example: [ ](http://Q &A Demo)
September 18, 2018, 10:06am
Hello @knagulapally bot platform is working on a service to extract Knowledge from PDFs and crawling Web URLs. The feature is currently in development and will be in beta in Q4’2018. The Knowledge extraction service will be part of the product early Q1’2019 and subsequently other file formats will be added to the Extraction service.
(Karthik Nagulapally)
September 18, 2018, 1:22pm
Hello @Madhu ,
Thank you for the response.
i was trying service to extract knowledge from PDFs but every time it gives me response as ‘Failure’.
My PDF Link :
Please suggest me what format of PDF should i use so that it can be able to exract.
Hi @vandana.agrawal ,
The knowledge extraction feature expects the PDF file to have “bookmarks” for its Questions/headings to get processed successfully.
From further releases, the PDF will get processed even without Bookmarks.
As of now, we request you to add bookmarks for the content in your PDF.
Please find a sample PDF that gets imported into Knowledge extraction.
Let us know if you need any clarification on the above.
Yoga Ramya.
Hi @yogaramya.mendu ,
We will try the suggested feedback and get back to you if catch any problem.
Thanks for the response.