As of now, we haven’t used “pt_br” as a language in any of our bots. However, its tentatively planned for the end of April for Phase-1(Intent recognition & Named Entity Recognition ) and End of June or first week of July 2018 for Phase 2(System entities) of pt_br language. Any changes in the release details we shall update accordingly in the given topic.
June 18, 2018, 7:24am
Phase 1 - Gets the basic support where the language is detected for intents using machine learning and entities using NER
Phase 2 - All the advanced features like entity patterns, small talk and sentiment analysis.
(Felipe Marquardt)
March 11, 2019, 5:40am
I´m not being able to use Person Name Entity on Pt-br as well as with English. Names are not recognized or capitalized.
Hi @felipe ,
Please find the reply to your query on
Hi @felipe ,
Currently, we do not have a direct provision to capitalize entity information.
However, you can achieve it by formatting the message node response through javascript.
Choose “Javascript” for message node response.
Add the following script:
var lower = context.entities.AskForName;
var upper = lower.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + lower.substr(1);
print(“your name is”+ upper);
This would return the name by capitalizing the first letter.
Let us know if you need …
Sometimes the user replies as:
Hello, here is John from Company X.
The Person Name entity is showing: John from Company X.
tried to get only the first word with this JS but didn´t work. Is there another way?
var lower = context.entities.AskForName;
var firstWords = [lower];
for (var i=0;i<codelines.length;i++)
var codeLine = codelines[i];
var firstWord = codeLine.substr(0, codeLine.indexOf(" "));
var upper = firstWord.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + firstW…
Yoga Ramya.