Difference between "Show open ticket" vs "Show my tickets"

We are using the Ticket Search in ITAssist. When a customer enters “Show open tickets” it successfully shows all open tickets; however, when a customer enters “Show my tickets” it only opens recently opened tickets. We just want it to show all open tickets in both cases.

I don’t see this distinction anywhere. I have added both phrases to the ML training for Show Open Tickets and I don’t anything in the code that says if “show MY tickets” do an alternative task. Can someone point me to another location to find where I might find where to make the change.

Hi @ley_jennifer_l ,

Apologies for the delay in response.

We have discussed this with the concerned team.

Ideally, show open tickets filters tickets with state - open and show tickets/show my tickets only fetches tickets with whatever default filter has been configured.
The filter is configured in Workbench >> SMT.
By default, we provide a 7 days filter in SMT script, if you want to fetch open tickets as default, you need to modify the script in SMT.

For further help from implementation team, please feel free to raise a support ticket with us.

Let us know if you need any further clarification.

Yoga Ramya