Date Type Entity

How can I extract the current date using the “As soon as possible” user utterance?is it possible to extract the current date using that utterance?

Hello @pasindu.p ,

Thank you for reaching out to Community.

Could you please elaborate more on the use case ?
What is the reason behind using “As soon as possible”?

Thank you,
Srujan Madderla Community Team


Hello @srujan.madderla

I used a Date type entity to collect a specific date, when I provide tomorrow, next week or next month entity will identify the date value based on the given utterance. but when I provide “As soon as possible” the entity will move to the error prompt. So when I use “As soon as possible” as my input I need to entity identify it as the current date, is it possible to do so?

Hello @pasindu.p ,

Thank you for sharing the details.
As per the documentation, for Date type Entity.

The format should be the reference date to and any date calculation to set the current date entity value is based on that date.
Values should be a date, YYYY-MM-DD, or a keyword: today, tomorrow, yesterday.

For more information on entity rules, please refer to the below documentation.

Hope this helps.

Thank you,
Srujan Madderla Community Team

Hi @srujan.madderla
please help me with learning practical usecase, be my guide/teacher for same… as a student I would be ready to pay fees on same. I have done both basic and advance certification on XO, just need practial exposure on all features in 2-3 usecases…