Customize Standard Response keywords

Hi All,

Is it possible to add custom keywords to identify standard response ? For example, when user type keyword ‘discard’ standard response execute ‘Ok, I am discarding the task for now. We can start over whenever you are ready.’. I want the same feature to work for some custom keyword like ‘bye’ or ‘close’. Is it possible to achieve this ?


Yes it is possible to do this, and there are a couple of ways of achieving it.

  1. You can add words to a concept named ~stop_action. If you do this in the Bot Synonyms then it will extend an internal concept. So your words, bye and close, will work alongside the standard ones like discard and abort.

  2. You can add words to a concept named ~bot_commands_override_discard. If this concept is defined then ONLY the words in it can end a task. The other keywords are not recognized unless you explicitly add them to the override concept.