Custom template not working in platform

I am using web sdk to setup bot in my website. I was able to generate custom template with a new name. I modified the JavaScript object in After changing the name I cannot test in the bot emulator available in the
I am new to this platform and need support to get this working on emulator as well. Is there any way to publish my template on to the

var info = [“Custom Button1”, “Custom Button2”, “Custom Button3”];
var message = {
“type”: “template”,
“payload”: {
“template_type”: “customButton”,
“text”: “Custom Button Template”,
“subText”: “Button Template Description”,
“buttons”: []
for (i = 0; i < info.length; i++) {
// if the button is to send back text to platform
var button = {
“type”: “postback”,
“title”: info[i],
“payload”: “payload1”

/* Uncomment this if the button is to redirect to url
 var button = {
 "type":"web_url", // type can be "postback" if



Apologies for the delayed response.

First of all, welcome to the community.

As the name suggests, custom template is something that the Kore SDK/platform does not offer out of the box. So, you may not expect botbuilder (out-of-the-box simulator) to understand a new template and render it.
However, if you try out something really cool, do take a fork of our GitHub repo and raise a merge request. If your template is reviewed successfully, it may help a lot of users!