CORS error when invoking public APIs from a web application

Problem statement

I am trying to invoke public API from my web application (customized Web-SDK) but I am not able to get a response. CORS error is thrown.

Solution public APIs, like many other public APIs of other products, do not have “Access-Control-Allow-Origin” in response headers. This is because the APIs are not designed for consumption from a Web application directly. The APIs are designed to facilitate CI/CD and other automation. So they can be consumed in server/client/middleware apps built with NodeJS, Python, etc. but one needs to ensure the user-agent is a part of the request header.

As mentioned above, it must be noted that the public APIs of are primarily designed for CI/CD or for downloading and pulling information into third-party systems. We advise against using public APIs for any scenario where it is used in a critical bot-user interaction. Although we take great care to ensure all our services are up and running all the time, any disruption specific to public API services may impact the bot-user interaction if they are used directly in critical bot-user interactions.

If there is any business reason for using a public API service from a web application, it must be used through a middleware, an adapter, or a proxy service. The public API response will not have Access-Control-Allow-Origin by design. The adapter service should make a call to the public APIs, add the required headers in the response received, and relay the response back.