CORS (cross origin requests) to Development Server


This is a Single Server (Development) On-premise installation – from a setup perspective, a Bastion host is in place to access the Kore Servers. Therefore Dev botbuilder accessed via local url (ex: ; xxxx is locally defined port in putty tunnel), which is launched after connecting to bastion host via a putty tunnel.

As we are in development phase, we are running into CORS issue and unable to reach Kore DEV Server. Based on my understanding, to accept such CORS (cross origin requests) requests, should be enabled on nginx web Server. This change meant for Development server only, my question is, which nginx configuration file should be modified to place the code (sample code in below URL) to allow a CORS request.

Also my understanding is, before the change, I stop the nginx service, modify the code, save and Start the service.

Let me know.


Now the VIP url (i.e. setup done, able to connect to botbuilder directly, this is no longer an issue.


Thank you for the update.
We apologize for the delay in our response.

Yoga Ramya