Conversation history in context

Are you planning to add the conversation history to the context variable?
With the arrival of LLMs, in some cases it is necessary to send the conversation history as real-time information. Although it is possible to get the history from the API, in some cases it takes a few seconds to be updated in real time, which causes problems.

It would be very helpful to have the conversation history in the context variable!
I hope you can implement it!

When I want to include context from prior utterances, I use the “conversation history length” setting in the Agent node (formally known as the GenAI node).

Click on the “More Settings” option in the node properties to access the history setting. Here you can instruct the node to include up to five prior utterances in the prompt.

I’m not sure if this meets your expectation, but it does eliminate the need to create a transcript history.
Good luck!