Conversation history is working fine and giving proper response on bots.kore.ai environment but when i change the host url to intranet url, the reponse is 401 (Invalid SDK credentials)
Please help me on this.
Conversation history is working fine and giving proper response on bots.kore.ai environment but when i change the host url to intranet url, the reponse is 401 (Invalid SDK credentials)
Please help me on this.
Please check if you have generated the credentials appropriately.
The error 401 indicates the improper generation on the token.
Kindly re-check and send us the URL in case if you are still observing the issue.
Yoga Ramya
Please can you provide me a steps to generate jwt token using clientId, clientSecret i am using https://developer.kore.ai/tools/jwt/ to generate the token but when trying to access api using Postman it is thorwing me an 401 error. Please help me i need this to be done on an urgent basis.
Followed exactly same steps given in above document. But getting same error.
“errors”: [
“msg”: “Invalid SDK credentials”,
“code”: 4002
API i am testing is: https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{BotID}}/changelogs
client Id: st-12bb850c-3a90-553f-a571-010902c0f008
client Secret: +JBK9lbpfYUYjMbdqFgAbCUSMfgMJ/AovCxSdL7eEQc=
Bot Id: st-12bb850c-3a90-553f-a571-010902c0f008
can you help me out please.
these credentials are valid. If you have time can i connect with u. Please help me out i need this testing to be done urgently.
here you used bold instead of clientId. Also, I see that you have JWE selected for the app. Please unselect it and save it.
If you see the documentation, you can either use get or use post. But there is a difference in the level of app, mandatory inputs also.
Get is used with userid and for this, bot level api scope is required.
For post you need admin console level app and right scope.
I see from the screenshot that you are using get. So user ID is a must. But the url you have used as well as mandatory query parameters seems inaccurate.
Actually i have used that also. But facing same issue.
Get Api used:
these are the credentials required:
User Id: u-49e8841b-088b-5156-8fd0-c15c34d0d0c9
I sent u an invitation please do check it once
You will need to add me as a developer in your bot. I think you invited me to your account but I am not added to your bot yet.
I sent u please do check it and reply.
I didn’t remove you. Please check again . I added you again.
On your bot,
I took this app
It worked fine.
curl --location --request GET 'https://bots.kore.ai/api/public/bot/st-12bb850c-3a90-553f-a571-010902c0f008/getMessages?userId=u-49e8841b-088b-5156-8fd0-c15c34d0d0c9&limit=100' \
--header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLWRmOGVlYWQxLTI5ZGItNTdmMi1iNDZjLTA0NTRkMjg3YWZiZCJ9.Ai9ZXUmx_PSPxbaok4M9Hlk62vAWnkwRTCPMBxghLeo'
I noticed that on jwt.io you had used base64 encoded secret. So maybe that is why it gave you a different JWT token than mine.