Auto-migration to NLP V3 for versions v10.0 (or above)

Hello users,

We would like to inform you about an important update related to the NLP version of the XO Platform.

As you are aware, the XO Platform launched Version 3 (V3) of the NLP Engine as part of v10.0 (January 21, 2023). NLP V3 provides new features, such as Zero-shot, Few-shot, and Intent Discovery, in addition to significant performance enhancements. It also addresses numerous security vulnerabilities. More info here.

The NLP V3 engine uses Python 3.9.7, which is the current active version. Whereas, the NLP V2 engine uses Python version 3.6.7 which has now reached its end of life. We can no longer support the V2 engine.

Going forward, any upgrade of on-premise installations to versions v10.0 (or above) will be auto-migrated to NLP V3.

We have taken great care to ensure backward compatibility throughout this transition. While our internal algorithms will remain unchanged despite the Python upgrade, it is important to note that the underlying libraries, such as Torch, SKlearn, and NLTK, which are dependent on the Python version, have also been upgraded.

Because of the upgrades to these libraries, we have observed minor variations in the ML and KG scores. Customers may require appropriate NLP training adjustments to address any possible variations in the scores.

We have proactively communicated this change to all our cloud-based and on-premise customers using version 10.x and above, requesting them to migrate to NLP V3 as soon as possible.

Note - For older bots, as of now, users will see a warning/notification in the Advanced NLP section prompting to migrate.

To upgrade older bots, simply click on the upgrade button and proceed with the following steps.

Generate a backup by specifying a new version for the bot.

Once you’ve created a new version, choose the “upgrade” option

After the upgrade process is finished, select the “Train Now” option to train the bot.

As of 4-Nov-2023, any bot/VA that has no sessions (not used by end-users) in the last 3 months will be auto-migrated to NLP V3.
The only impact is on ML. Other prediction engines like FM, FAQ, etc. are not impacted.
The bot developer will need to manually initiate training and re-publish the VA/bot for it to function.