Agent transfer using smart assist with different skills

Hi team,

I am trying to initiate agent transfer for untrained utterances in universal bot. I have linked two bots billing and technical to my universal bot. So when there is a untrained utterance about billing in the universal bot. It should route to the sales skill in the smart assist and when there is an untrained utterance about the technical bot then it should route to service skill in the smart assist. Can we do this in smart assist from universal bot.?

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Hi Kore Team ,
do we have a solution for this . I am facing the same issue. need to transfer the queue to different agents based on the bot names from universal bot.

Its an urgent issue, please check.

Thanks ,
Khushboo yadav

Hi both, SmartAssist supports the use of Agent Utilities for specifying Contact Center related settings.

A solution for this kind of a use case can be achieved by using the agentUtils.setSkills() method to add (or append) skills to an interaction at any point leading up to the agent transfer. You can do this by using a Script Node within a bot action node in the XO Platform or a Script Task node within an experience flow in SmartAssist.




var loanType = { 
"Car Loan":{name: "Car Loan",
id: "60b50bec5c4c1a4195b55d88",
"House Loan": {
name: "House Loan",
id: "60b50c005c4c1a4195b55d89",
"Education Loan": {
name: "Education Loan",
id: "60b894198afcca6accc5f466",
"Gold Loan": {
name: "Gold Loan",
id: "60b8943a8afcca6accc5f467",

agentUtils.setSkills([loanType["Car Loan"]]);