403 Forbidden error while accessing botbuilder

Some users get a 403 Forbidden error while accessing botbuilder from their networks.


  • Are able to access botbuilder from your phone hotspot? - Yes
  • Are able to access botbuilder from your home wifi or another network service provider? - Yes
  • Are you facing this issue whenever you are in a VPN (Your organization’s VPN) or physical office network - Yes

There may be firewall/network restrictions in your office premises that are not allowing you to access botbuilder or other kore products or websites like https://bots.kore.ai or https://smartassist.kore.ai or https://searchassist.kore.ai etc. You need to work with your system administrator or network team to enable access to Kore.ai domains.

Please note - Kore.ai monitoring services keep pinging the services and websites from different geographical locations and it is highly unlikely that we will be experiencing any major downtime.
In case we have any down-time, the https://status.kore.com will be updated and subscribers will receive email notifications. So, please subscribe to our status page to rule out any issue from our end.