Wrong intent is getting picked

Problem I am facing is that wrong intent is getting picked. Eg. There are 2 dialog tasks ‘Order IT equipment’ and ‘Track your order’ which seems similar. ‘Track your order’ is used to show all order by specific ID.
After trying all utterances and patterns, still ‘Order IT equipment’ is getting picked. ’ NL Analysis’ is rightly picking ‘Track your order’ as definitive intent, but the entity node is getting picked as ‘Order IT equipment’ always.

Hello @meashish80 :smiley:,

Welcome to Kore Community :clap:

To help you troubleshoot I will need to know a few things:

  1. What do you see when you try the utterance in ‘Utterance Testing’? Do you see why the ‘Ranking and Resolver’ picks up the incorrect intent?
  2. If you have used patterns, did you get a chance to go through the pattern documentation?
  3. Did you use the validate model tool to check if the pattern syntax etc. is correct? Training Validation feature
  4. If none of the above works, please share detailed screenshots of how you have trained your intents.