How to do maintain history in my own server

Hi @Subrahmanyam could you please explain how can i store and getting history to my DB using webservice .

Hi @Subrahmanyam Please reply for above query.

@rajinisiva93 Are you referring to the conversation history information? Conversation history can be accessed from a public API. Please follow the below link for more details.

As of now for the conversation history API to work, you’ll need to enable botkit at your bot. Enable it at any of the events and the API should respond back to you with data based on the parameters passed.

Hi @Subrahmanyam
Problem Statement: I want to get all the conversation history of all my users and save it to my database accordingly…

how to trigger that for each and every user from ?

above Conversation History API we need public API to get that. I want to know somehow to export it from each time…

HI, @Subrahmanyam the one thing I can think is at the end of conversation to give a service call to invoke Public API…

and then using Public API to get conversation history it into my database…

is there any other solution to this ?

@aarsh.pandit Yes, it’s the same thought I had for now. Please give it a try. :slight_smile:

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Sure @Subrahmanyam ,

Do let me know if you come across any other solution to this…

I wanted to optimise it to only one call at the end of conversation…

Many Thanks

Hi Subrahmanyam,

I m accessing Conversation History API using postman.

It is giving me response like

i have folllowed this

Please help me providing solution for it.

@vandana.agrawal we will validate the issue from our end and will get back to you. In the meanwhile, could you quickly check if botkit is enabled at you bot. (Agent transfer or any event at bot kit)?

The API is dependent on the botkit as mentioned on the documentation.

*Note: This API is currently accessible only if BotKit SDK or Agent Transfer is enabled for a bot*


For the conversation API to work,

  1. BotKit has to be enabled at the bot

  2. The app scope (Events and Extensions [in v6.3] > API Scopes - Create New if required) has to enabled of the conversation API.

After ensuring it, use the following header
-H ‘accept: application/json, text/plain, /
-H ‘cache-control: no-cache’
-H ‘content-type: application/json’
-H ‘postman-token: [POSTMAN_ACCESS_TOKEN]’