Custom Data - Pass custom data to bot with each user utterance

Hi there,

I need to use custom data.
I have checked how can we pass this custom data to bot from application. Right now, I am passing customData inside botOptions -> botInfo from index.html of Kore web sdk.

The customdata passed like this is sent to bot only once when index.html is loaded.
My customData is something which changes after some time interval. Index.html is not loaded again and again to send updated customData.

Is there any way I can send this customData to bot when user interacts with bot?
Only this way, updated data can be passed to bot.

Please suggest how can I achieve this?

Neha Sheikh

Hi @nehamsheikh,

Please give us some insight on the complete usecase so that we can help you further.

Yoga Ramya.


My requirement is simple - I need to pass customData to the bot each time user utterance is entered.

Right now the the only way to pass customData is through bot Options which we set inside index.html fiel of Kore web sdk.

Is there a way I can send customData to my bot with each utterance?

Neha Sheikh

Hi @nehamsheikh,

You need to call based on any event that would get the customData updated whenever the event is triggered.

You will need to be able to configure this in the Web SDK as per your requirement.

Yoga Ramya.

I will try this out and update if any issues in that.

Neha Sheikh

@nehamsheikh @yogaramya.mendu
There is a new example created for custom Data. Please check this out.